第一思培精听系统 - s11p1p2
Okay, so you have a bunch of stuff you want to buy, and I have a bunch of stuff I want to buy
Shall we just split up and meet back at the food court for lunch? In, say, an hour?
Actually, I was hoping you might come with me at least to the framing store.
You have a much better eye for that kind of thing.
I know what sort of poster I want to buy for Michael, but I have no idea what kind of frame it will look good in.
But the person at the store should be able to help you with that.
“Should” is the key word.
I’ve noticed more and more that the people who work in stores don’t have any special expertise about the stuff sold in that store.
. I tried to buy a pair of shoes the other day, and I swear the person didn’t know a shoelace from a buckle.
You know, you’re right: I had the same experience when I tried to buy a toaster.
So okay, I’ll come with you to the framing store, but I’d really like to go to my favourite store first.
They have a sale on sweatshirts, and I want to get there before they’re sold out of the colour and size I want.
Fair enough. But since I’m not thrilled about going into clothing stores, I’ll just wait outside, okay?
No problem. Actually, I think that’s where the fountain is, with all the benches.
Perfect. After that, I don’t mind splitting up. Will it really take you just an hour, though?
Will it really take you just an hour? It’s Saturday—this place is crowded! Good point.
Better make it two hours. Maybe by then, the food court won’t be as busy.
That would be nice. I hate being jostled when I’ve got a full tray of food. And I’m planning to get exactly that at the new Thai restaurant that’s opened up.
They have a buffet.
Really? I didn’t know that. Guess who else will be getting a full tray of food!